通过对比各项目过去12个月在 GitHub
上新增明星数量,来评估其在2018年度的受关注程度,进而选出2018年度 JavaScript
它今年在 GitHub
上新增了超过 45k 的 star,比 2017 还要多 5k 势头依然不减!
第 4 名,Deno
是“一个可在浏览器外执行 JavaScript
和 TypeScript
根据其作者 Ryan Dahl( Node.js
之父)的说法,这是一个尝试解决部分 Node.js
原有问题的、可靠的 TypeScript
- vue
- Owner:vuejs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:56
- Watch:208359
- Star:208359
- Fork:33719
- This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
- react
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:32
- Watch:232342
- Star:232342
- Fork:47595
- The library for web and native user interfaces.
- vscode
- Owner:microsoft
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:23
- Watch:167455
- Star:167455
- Fork:30578
- Visual Studio Code
- deno
- Owner:denoland
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:30
- Watch:101762
- Star:101762
- Fork:5489
- A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- puppeteer
- Owner:puppeteer
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:52
- Watch:89746
- Star:89746
- Fork:9141
- JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
- create-react-app
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:58
- Watch:103103
- Star:103103
- Fork:26971
- Set up a modern web app by running one command.
- axios
- Owner:axios
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:26
- Watch:106338
- Star:106338
- Fork:11009
- Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- ant-design
- Owner:ant-design
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:10
- Watch:93724
- Star:93724
- Fork:51177
- An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
- vue-element-admin
- Owner:PanJiaChen
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:45
- Watch:88702
- Star:88702
- Fork:30528
- :tada: A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- storybook
- Owner:storybookjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:24
- Watch:85855
- Star:85855
- Fork:9435
- Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation
在前端框架方面,主导者还是和 2017 年一样的三位:Vue.js
和 Angular
六月 Vue.js
和 React
都有一个小高峰。是什么原因?那时正值 Vue.js
总 star 数超过 React
,成为 UI 框架类别中最受欢迎的项目。那时候,双方的粉丝都在为他们心目中的冠军拉票!
2018 年的新秀是 Omi
,一个运用了 Shadow DOM
技术的、大有前途的 UI 框架,同时采用了 React
开发者们熟知的 JSX
- vue
- Owner:vuejs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:56
- Watch:208359
- Star:208359
- Fork:33719
- This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
- react
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:32
- Watch:232342
- Star:232342
- Fork:47595
- The library for web and native user interfaces.
- angular
- Owner:angular
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:26
- Watch:96963
- Star:96963
- Fork:25877
- Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀
- hyperapp
- Owner:jorgebucaran
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:52
- Watch:19104
- Star:19104
- Fork:781
- 1kB-ish JavaScript framework for building hypertext applications
- omi
- Owner:Tencent
- Updated:2025-02-18 08:48
- Watch:13125
- Star:13125
- Fork:1253
- Web Components Framework - Web组件框架
Node.js 框架
在 2018 年中领跑的两个 Node.js
采用 React
的 Next.js
采用 Vue.js
的 Nuxt
位于第 4 的是 Express
,2017 年的第一名,尽管它“年事已高”,依然十分流行。
- next.js
- Owner:vercel
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:33
- Watch:129429
- Star:129429
- Fork:27676
- The React Framework
- nest
- Owner:nestjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:42
- Watch:69460
- Star:69460
- Fork:7761
- A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
- express
- Owner:expressjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:32
- Watch:66331
- Star:66331
- Fork:17564
- Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
- koa
- Owner:koajs
- Updated:2025-02-18 04:51
- Watch:35341
- Star:35341
- Fork:3224
- Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
Vue 生态圈
的势头还在增长,第 3 个大版本 计划发挥出现代浏览器的优势,以便更高效地运行和更易于使用。Vue Element Admin
生态圈最流行的项目,是使用 Vue.js
是使用现代 JavaScript
工具构建一个新的 Vue.js
它能够和 React
的 Create React App
相提并论,但它更灵活并提供了一个图形化的 UI 界面,使得它非常方便用户。
- vue-element-admin
- Owner:PanJiaChen
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:45
- Watch:88702
- Star:88702
- Fork:30528
- :tada: A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- element
- Owner:ElemeFE
- Updated:2025-02-17 21:06
- Watch:54186
- Star:54186
- Fork:14648
- A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- vuepress
- Owner:vuejs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:03
- Watch:22693
- Star:22693
- Fork:4751
- 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- vue-cli
- Owner:vuejs
- Updated:2025-02-17 13:31
- Watch:29760
- Star:29760
- Fork:6330
- 🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development
React 生态圈
不出意外,在 React
生态圈类别,2018 年的头号项目是 Create React App
,创建新 React
其第 2 版在 2018 年发布,是一次大版本更新,改动包括内置 Webpack 4
,以及使用 TypeScript
对于 React
本身,主要变动在于引入了 hooks
,它或许能够改变我们对于状态管理的处理方式,以及调整 React
- create-react-app
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:58
- Watch:103103
- Star:103103
- Fork:26971
- Set up a modern web app by running one command.
- ant-design
- Owner:ant-design
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:10
- Watch:93724
- Star:93724
- Fork:51177
- An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
- gatsby
- Owner:gatsbyjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:50
- Watch:55728
- Star:55728
- Fork:10298
- The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in.
- next.js
- Owner:vercel
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:33
- Watch:129429
- Star:129429
- Fork:27676
- The React Framework
- material-ui
- Owner:mui
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:54
- Watch:94787
- Star:94787
- Fork:32489
- Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
Angular 生态圈
2018 年,在 Angular
生态圈中,不只一个而是有两个大版本更新!Angular version 6
因此,在 Angular
生态圈中,最流行的项目是官方的命令行工具 Angular CLI
命令使更新应用和依赖变得容易。此外,现在可以在不 ejecting
的情况下调整底层 Webpack
配置。Angular version 7
包含了 Angular CLI prompts
,以及 Material Design for Angular
的更新,并侧重性能提升,包括一个称为“虚拟滚动”(Virtual Scrolling
- angular-cli
- Owner:angular
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:49
- Watch:26821
- Star:26821
- Fork:11986
- CLI tool for Angular
- ngx-admin
- Owner:akveo
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:12
- Watch:25373
- Star:25373
- Fork:7973
- Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
- components
- Owner:angular
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:50
- Watch:24529
- Star:24529
- Fork:6784
- Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
- platform
- Owner:ngrx
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:00
- Watch:8107
- Star:8107
- Fork:1994
- Reactive State for Angular
- ng-zorro-antd
- Owner:NG-ZORRO
- Updated:2025-02-16 23:22
- Watch:8929
- Star:8929
- Fork:3967
- Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design
React Native
依然是使用 JavaScript
最近发布了一系列完整的文章解释了为什么他们决定在下一个产品中抛弃 React Native
转而开发原生 Apps
对于那些希望使用 Vue.js
而不是 React
和 Ionic
)全都支持 Vue.js
来自 Google
的 Flutter
虽然不是 JavaScript
语言的项目(因为它使用 Dart
编程语言), 但对于构建跨环境移动端应用,它也是一个很棒的备选方案。
- react-native
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:26
- Watch:120604
- Star:120604
- Fork:24496
- A framework for building native applications using React
- incubator-weex
- Owner:apache
- Updated:2025-02-15 21:16
- Watch:13726
- Star:13726
- Fork:1809
- Apache Weex (Incubating)
- NativeScript
- Owner:NativeScript
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:23
- Watch:24543
- Star:24543
- Fork:1647
- ⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java, Dart). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue with: iOS (UIKit, SwiftUI), Android (View, Jetpack Compose), Dart (Flutter) and you name it compatible.
- quasar
- Owner:quasarframework
- Updated:2025-02-18 08:17
- Watch:26267
- Star:26267
- Fork:3573
- Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
- ionic-framework
- Owner:ionic-team
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:05
- Watch:51439
- Star:51439
- Fork:13487
- A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
我们过去曾讨论在 JavaScript
到了 2018 年,看起来微软的 TypeScript
大幅领先了其灵感来源 —— Facebook
的 Flow
实际上,支持 TypeScript
的最新版 Babel
几乎是一个开发标准了:无论对于后端还是前端开发来说,我们看到越来越多的项目包含了 TypeScript
声明。而且,如果某些库自身不带类型声明,那么名为 DefinitelyTyped
- TypeScript
- Owner:microsoft
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:23
- Watch:102236
- Star:102236
- Fork:12667
- TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- babel
- Owner:babel
- Updated:2025-02-18 09:12
- Watch:43416
- Star:43416
- Fork:5672
- 🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- flow
- Owner:facebook
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:53
- Watch:22121
- Star:22121
- Fork:1871
- Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
- reason
- Owner:reasonml
- Updated:2025-02-18 05:20
- Watch:10187
- Star:10187
- Fork:429
- Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems
- purescript
- Owner:purescript
- Updated:2025-02-16 16:30
- Watch:8642
- Star:8642
- Fork:566
- A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
打包工具 Parcel
证实了它在 2017 年的成功,开发者们喜欢零配置建立一个新项目的能力。
- parcel
- Owner:parcel-bundler
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:49
- Watch:43658
- Star:43658
- Fork:2267
- The zero configuration build tool for the web. 📦🚀
- webpack
- Owner:webpack
- Updated:2025-02-18 06:28
- Watch:65033
- Star:65033
- Fork:8943
- A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
- rollup
- Owner:rollup
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:04
- Watch:25590
- Star:25590
- Fork:1557
- Next-generation ES module bundler
- gulp
- Owner:gulpjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:21
- Watch:33082
- Star:33082
- Fork:4219
- A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow
- poi
- Owner:egoist
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:50
- Watch:5222
- Star:5222
- Fork:255
- ⚡A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
2018 年中测试框架领域总体没有什么变化,5 个领先的解决方案保持了和 2017 年相同的排名。Jest
比竞争者们进步更快,开发者们喜欢 Fackbook
的全功能测试框架所带来的效用 —— 无论是在前端(它最初被打算用于测试 React
- ava
- Owner:avajs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:56
- Watch:20760
- Star:20760
- Fork:1404
- Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀
- mocha
- Owner:mochajs
- Updated:2025-02-18 05:39
- Watch:22714
- Star:22714
- Fork:3017
- ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
- jasmine
- Owner:jasmine
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:05
- Watch:15776
- Star:15776
- Fork:2242
- Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
IDE 和编辑器
VS Code
,全类别里第 3 流行的项目,几乎就是用于 web 开发的事实上的 IDE 了。
它依靠自动补全功能和自带 TypeScript
杀手级功能可能就是对于 Node.js
- vscode
- Owner:microsoft
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:23
- Watch:167455
- Star:167455
- Fork:30578
- Visual Studio Code
- atom
- Owner:atom
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:55
- Watch:60316
- Star:60316
- Fork:17375
- :atom: The hackable text editor
- theia
- Owner:eclipse-theia
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:34
- Watch:20404
- Star:20404
- Fork:2542
- Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
- reactide
- Owner:reactide
- Updated:2025-02-17 21:11
- Watch:10535
- Star:10535
- Fork:618
- Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development.
- brackets
- Owner:adobe
- Updated:2025-02-18 06:17
- Watch:33230
- Star:33230
- Fork:7609
- An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
CSS in JavaScript
虽然目前,对于基于组件的现代前端应用,什么才是最好的样式化方案,还没有定论(无论 React
还是 Angular
但是 Styled Components
- styled-components
- Owner:styled-components
- Updated:2025-02-18 08:05
- Watch:40669
- Star:40669
- Fork:2507
- Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
- emotion
- Owner:emotion-js
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:52
- Watch:17635
- Star:17635
- Fork:1119
- 👩🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition
- css-modules
- Owner:css-modules
- Updated:2025-02-17 11:26
- Watch:17739
- Star:17739
- Fork:559
- Documentation about css-modules
- linaria
- Owner:callstack
- Updated:2025-02-17 15:29
- Watch:11783
- Star:11783
- Fork:415
- Zero-runtime CSS in JS library
- polished
- Owner:styled-components
- Updated:2025-02-18 07:40
- Watch:7641
- Star:7641
- Fork:209
- A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨
和 2017 年一样,Gatsby
在 2018 年依然是最受欢迎的静态站点生成器(用于生成一组 HTML
文件,以便能够在任意地方托管,超快响应 —— 的一种工具)。Gatsby
如果你希望使用 Vue.js
而不是 React
,那么第 3 名的 VuePress
- gatsby
- Owner:gatsbyjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:50
- Watch:55728
- Star:55728
- Fork:10298
- The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in.
- next.js
- Owner:vercel
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:33
- Watch:129429
- Star:129429
- Fork:27676
- The React Framework
- vuepress
- Owner:vuejs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:03
- Watch:22693
- Star:22693
- Fork:4751
- 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- hexo
- Owner:hexojs
- Updated:2025-02-17 19:30
- Watch:39986
- Star:39986
- Fork:4893
- A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
生态圈正在高速发展,并且有一个大趋势是: 一些工具的出现能够简化 GraphQL
依然是第一名,而且它绝对是最易上手使用 GraphQL
从 Graphcool
演变而来的 Prisma
位于第二。与此同时,Hasura GraphQL Engine
前 15 名的其余部分,包括 GraphQL
服务端、客户端、以及各种其他工具 —— 比如 GraphQL Playground
- gatsby
- Owner:gatsbyjs
- Updated:2025-02-18 10:50
- Watch:55728
- Star:55728
- Fork:10298
- The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in.